Contact Information and Committees

GANYC (Guides Association of New York City)
115 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10006

General inquiries:
Phone: 855-57-GANYC

Committee Chairs and Emails:

Awards, Sara Lyons

Certification, Michael Dillinger

Education, Nina Mende

Ethics and Oversight, Susan Birnbaum

Government Relations, Patrick Casey

Industry Relations, Bob Gelber


IT, Emma Guest-Consales, Ph.D.

Membership, Ann McDermott

Multilingual Guides, John Semlak

Newsletter, Dave Gardner

Public Relations, Jeremy Wilcox

Awards Committee: The GANYC Apple Awards are held once a year in March, in which those who know New York best honor the best of New York. While we have many volunteers who help out only on the day of the event, being a member of the committee does require some participation--attending meetings, and contributing to the event as a whole. Sara Lyons is Chair.

Certification Committee: Tour Guide Certification classes offered periodically. These courses provide ongoing training for licensed guides, focused on skills and field work beyond just general knowledge. Michael Dillinger is Chair

Education Committee: As global ambassadors of our great metropolis, we, as members of the Guides Association of New York City, strive to maintain a high level of excellence and professionalism in tour guiding. The goal of every tour guide should be to expand one’s knowledge of NYC history, and to constantly hone and perfect one’s guiding skills. No matter how long you have been a tour guide, there is always something more to learn -- and this is what makes our profession so enjoyable!

In consultation with Executive Board, the mission of the Education Committee is to create and maintain a Continuing Education Program for GANYC members that will advance Guides knowledge of NYC and its environs, and enhance Tour Guides Professional Development. We achieve this by forming relationships with organizations and individuals: museums, cultural institutions, landmarks, iconic venues and attractions and experts in their fields.

Our curriculum includes FAM Familiarization tours, Guest Lecturers, and a Professional Development Program of Workshops and Seminars. Familiarization (FAM) Tours: These exploratory group outings/visits to significant NYC venues and neighborhoods help us become well informed tour guides, as well as strengthen our relationships with each other. In addition, these FAM tours help to promote and raise awareness of the areas/organizations visited, as tour guides will suggest these venues to the guests on their tours.

Professional Development Program (PDP): In conjunction with the Executive Board and participating GANYC Committees, the Education Committee creates and administers Professional Development Workshops/Seminars that meet the needs of our members.

Guest Speakers/Lecturers: In consultation with the Executive Board and with Membership, the Education Committee suggestions maintains a Guest Speakers program for our monthly Membership meetings and Professional Development Program. Nina Mende is Chair.

(See this FAQ for Education Committee procedures + policies)

Ethics Committee is a standing committee that is called upon as needed. In the past it has established a Code of Ethical Standards for members, for Tour Operators who are Industry Partners  and for Industry Partners in General.  It meets as needed to review individual member issues concerning possible breaches of the Code of Ethical Standards and determine if further action is required. Susan Birnbaum is Chair.

Government Relations Committee: This committee is the liason between GANYC and local government offices and initiatives. Members work with the NYC City Council and others to advocate for our industry.  Patrick Casey is Chair.

Industry Relations Committee: Industry Relations oversees all our numerous industry partners, organizes events for monthly meetings and site inspections. Bob Gelber is Chair. 

Insurance Committee: The Treasurer handles all matters related to insurance.

IT Committee maintains the official GANYC website  Members have access to private sections of the website including Members-only documents, digital library, Lands' End apparel, and job boards (both English and multi-lingual).  All members are encouraged to make a profile page including lists of tours and services offered, as well as contact information for prospective clients.  Members may also publish up to three tours each that can be searched on the website. Authorized users are able to post job announcements and requests for guides and services.  The IT Committee works closely with Public Relations, Education, Industry Partners, and others to enhance GANYC's online presence, both on the website and through social media. Emma Guest-Consales, Ph.D. is Chair, Marc Landman is Emeritus Chair

Membership Committee: This committee is the public face of GANYC to our members. They recruit new members, track the progress of provisional members to full status, organize orientation sessions and networking events. Ann McDermott is Chair.

Multilingual Committee: Organize events for our many multilingual guides.
John Semlak is Chair. 

Newsletter Committee: Newsletter Committee publishes a quarterly periodical of material submitted by GANYC members. Typical contributions include tour reviews, website reviews, personal updates, book reviews, any hard news, and generally anything that concerns tour guides here in New York City. We distribute this voice-of-tour-guides as a paper copy for those who wish to receive one - and we post a PDF on our private website for those who only wish to view it. We call it GuideLines. Dave Gardner is Chair.

Public Relations Committee: Public Relations Committee is to advance the stature and public face of the organization, so as to raise the profile of the NYC professional tourist guide and their role as ambassadors and educators for visitors to the city. To accomplish this the PR Committee will: Issue regular press releases of note and newsworthy information though a database of press contacts maintained by the Committee so that the broadest possible audience is reached. Produce and post regular GANYC message​s​ and image​s​ with official GANYC press and social media outlets including: website, Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram, and all other current and future platforms. Set guidelines for all GANYC public relations including publication copyrights, ethics and consistent representation to the public of GANYC.
Please contact with any questions. Jeremy Wilcox is Chair.